Monday, September 6, 2010

Oak Mtn State Park Hike and Hub/Wife Day

So....I had to join all the other teenie boppers and do a self take pic. We went hiking today(Labor Day) at Oak Mountain State Park in Alabama. It was Ava's first "for-real" hiking experience. We did a 1.6 Mile (each way) hike to Megans Glen.

This is Ava's version of hiking. Paul was a trooper.
Ava wanted to do specific poses for her pics at lunch time. This was her fave.

Testing the sturdiness of the trees. Now entering "little girl silly face phase". We had to stop hiking for a silly face photo opp.
We stopped along the way and had nature lessons.

I was instructed to pose.

Again with the silly faces
Grammy watched Ava for us and we had some Mommy/Daddy time and decided some "couples" pictures were in order.

Paul's 31st, the Fair, and the Zoo

I took Ava to the zoo with our friends Brooke, Aiden, and Baby Hodges. We love the zoo and saw some beautiful lilli pads/flowers. Hence....
Awe, Baby Hodges first train ride.
Waiting to ride the train
Paul's 31st Birthday Party!! These pics are from my mom's side of the family coming over. We at spaghetti and played in the yard. Weather and temp was GREAT!! And Paul got his new helicopter (aka hemacopter in ava speak).

The Fair is in town!! Grandaddy and Mimi babysat for us and took Ava to the Fair! As soon as the got there, there was a massive down pour. Once it passed, the fun ensued and Ava had a blast!

Monday, June 21, 2010

new update.

here. see.

we're at the beach with you all.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Quick Picture Update

So this is a quick picture update!
Easter Basket Time!

In Mobile visiting Jacque and Ryan and Baby Thai

At the Estuarium on Dauphin Island (close to Mobile, Al)

Aunt Jacque at Dauphin Island

Ava and Daddy on the beach at Dauphin Island

Helping Daddy build his garage shelves/cases

Love my new hat from Aunt Annie, Uncle Bruce, & Parker and Maddie

Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow Day, Big Girl Day

It's snowing here! Yay! We got about 2-3 inches today. A rarety for Alabama so we took advantage and prolonged naptime to build a couple of snowmen, and sled, and play and enjoy the snow.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Well, here is our new adventure...

So to wrap up, we had a great Thanksgiving followed by Christmas and New Years. Paul and I were asleep by 9:30 on NYE!

Now for what's new with us:

We have been praying and praying and praying to add another child to our family. Some things have just not worked out here and there. Luckily, Paul and I both have a strong desire to adopt. We feel like God is directing us to head towards adopting now.

However, there's a catch. It's gonna cost more than you could think. In fact whatever you think, go ahead and double it. That's maybe the ballpark. We need prayer from our family and friends. We are asking that you pray for us to receive a miracle from God in the finances.

We have the heart for it. We've filled out the paperwork and done the hard part of finding an agency. We just need to rely on God for the cash flow.

Please please pray with us.

Sincere thanks,

Monday, October 5, 2009

Another Beach Trip w/ Aunt Ashley!

Aunt Ashley came in town for Ava's 2nd Birthday and we headed to the beach for a few days. Fun in the sun....almost. The day we got down there Ava spiked a 102 fever and was told it was strep throat. Days later when we returned home, we found out it was Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease. Yuk! She's all better now.

Perfect weather, perfect temperature, calm-lake like ocean with warmish-coolish perfect water temp. Completely heaven. I can't wait to go again. Next time we'll take Paul with us. Ava didn't love the water, and I think it was because she didn't see Paul in it.